Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Internet Channel Petition

Dear Nintendo, Adobe and Opera,

Since the early days of the Wii, your company (Nintendo), has advertise the, very useful, "Internet Channel" as a key feature of your home console. While I do not discredit the Internet Channel as a valuable feature, many Wii users are beginning to have major issues. The most important of the problems is the lack of proper updates. The last time the Internet Channel has had a worthwhile update was back on October 10, 2007. That update gave the channel's users, USB keyboard support, the launch time was greatly reduced, and up to 56 favorites were able to be saved. Other notable features of your last update include, the ability to send Favorites to people in the Wii's Address Book. as well as the ability to highlight words on a Web page and copy it to the "Search" function.

While all of those features are great, the most important feature of the Internet Channel has been greatly neglected. While browsing text-only pages might be a speedy process, media heavy pages tend to suffer drastically. Without a proper flash update, the "Internet Channel" has now been rendered nearly useless. This letter and petition is being created to bring awareness to the three parties involved in creating a proper flash update (Nintendo, Adobe and Opera). Things have degraded so far that Youtube embedded videos on web pages such as blogs are no longer viewable from the Internet Channel. It is honestly very hard to recommend the Internet Channel as a purchase to a new Wii user. In its current state, it would be more comfortable browsing the internet from a computer than from the comfort of one's couch. This needs to change.

We, myself, the people who are signing this petition are solemnly asking you, Nintendo, Adobe, Opera, to please get together and solve this issue. There are many Wii users who would benefit from such an update and many more future Wii owners as well. Please take this petition into consideration and know that this is proof that Wii owners DO care about the Internet Channel and would like to see more "regular" updates. This petition will be hosted from my blog which can be found at the following address, http://lightykd.blogspot.com If you wish, we would be glad to have a response from a Nintendo, Adobe or Opera representative in the comments section of this petition. If you would like to contact me personally, you may reach me at VIA e-mail, lightykd@yahoo.com

Cirrell Battle

NOTE: To everyone who will be signing this blog, please place your "digital signature" within the comments section of this blog post. Just type your name on the first line and if you would like to suggest features, break down a few lines and type what you would like to see added. If you are doing the latter, please stress the need for a Flash update. The need for a Flash update is the major reason for creating this petition. Good luck to us all...


  1. I,

    Cirrell Battle, support this petition in hopes that Nintendo, Adobe and Opera will bring their resources together to provide users of the "Internet Channel", a proper update worthy of its price and of being used.

  2. Owen Constantin
    Please at least add a flash update and if possible some extra fetures like tabs

  3. The Internet Channel is in need of a major update. Please include better flash, tabs, and downloading to sd card.

  4. give us an update cause it's been forever updated flash is a nisesity now adays

  5. Yes update the Internet Channel its needs to be overhauled.

    David Anthony Robert Ballway

  6. Ethen Johnson


  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Evan M. O'Sullivan

    Please give us flash 9 or 10 nintendo and add tabs to the internet channel. I want an update please!

  9. Nintendo, Opera, Adobe, whatever,

    We the people have spoken, we want tabs, we want flash.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I support this petition!
    We need this Nintendo!

  12. SolarKnight777

    I would like to see in the new browser some more cache, if possible. That way I woudn't have to reset the software as much for the fear of reading "ran out of flash memory" when I am halfway through a video. A flash version update is most imperative, however.

  13. I support this petition as well. It should be something that is kept up to date, not outdated a few days after downloading.
    Please keep up with the times...

  14. Sites like pandora.com would be nice to view. Mailto links? Useless! PLease update. I will buy.

  15. We need this Update! Most Video Platforms aren't working etc.
    Give us the Update!

    Yours Daku93

  16. Steven Bock

    We NEED stuff such as Flash 10, HTML 5, and Tab support on the Wii!

  17. SifJar

    We need tabs and updated flash and perhaps mappable keys for flash games and loading stuff like flash from sd.

  18. I Adam Ruiz,
    Lets fix our Wii!

  19. I also support this petition.

    At the very least, we need better flash support and better HTML, as loading some pages grinds the Wii to a halt. If you're feeling up to it, tabs would also be great.

    Nintendo, the tribe has spoken. *Puts out a huge tiki torch*

  20. I support this petition as well. The channel really could use an update soon.

  21. nintendo doesn't care what the users think. they took away their forum. any suggestions on the tech forum are immediately locked. we keep buying nintendo products because of the trust they've built in the past. nintendo will do what they want and we will keep buying. they still have nostalgia and casual gamers to cash in on. and now they don't have to deal with we troublesome consumers. what do we know anyway?

  22. Signed Harry Campbell, I agree fully with this petition

  23. http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/flash-9-on-the-wii.html
    Published by Christopher Cox on Feb 03, 2008

    maybe this petition will be the cry that persuades nintendo to care. i've gotten nowhere with nintendo. i've also been told by gamers that i should just use my computer for the web, and that net on the wii is a stupid idea in the 1st place. there's apathy all around

  24. I sign this petition because I think the intyernet channel is really outdated, and there is room for a lot of improvement (tabs, download to SD etc).

  25. A flash update would be nice. There is a lot of content on the Internet that cannot be viewed with the Internet Channel at the present time.

  26. ditto ,, adobe has a embeded sdk with flash 10 , just either opera or Nintendo has not done it .

  27. opera works for nintendo. it's up to nintendo. how's that response from nintendo coming?

  28. Hell, the internet channel hates flash so yes, UPDATE!

  29. John Lam

    Update to the latest flash, support java script, tabs, and better gui
